So you are going from a robot model which unfortunately looks like a collection of primitives to a stylised human figure? Good luck with that. Can't wait. I didn't read all of your post as it was too long for me. So I could be missing something, however is that the robot finished or where there just no updates? Your lighting and shading don't look very good. Lights - judging by the two massive specular highlights I'd say you are maybe using a couple of spotlights in front there. You could look into arbitrary shadow mapping of caustics or try creating splines using omnidirectional texturing. The shaders are completely unbelievable. Everything will have some kind of a bump, so probably add one, it will also break up the specularity. those reflections are like a mirror try blurring them a bit. If you want a good metal you should add an environment. Create an IBL. Not sure why I'm writing this, I still thing you are a weirdo/asshole. For someone who types loads you are not very good at explaining yourself.