Gen, hahaha yeah theres some real clangers in that one. When Star Wars first arrived many moons ago before alot of the boys and girls were born on this forum, it was a phenomenon, it was huge, I remember it very well, and am lucky enough to say my Dad worked on them and I visited the sets, it really was huge and it did change film making as we know it today, for better and worse in some cases, that in part is down to what George Lucas believed could be done and what he pushed all those clever people at ILM and Pixar to do, dont forget that Pixar was actually once a division of Lucasfilm. I think though bringing back Star Wars to a new generation was kind of wrong in some respects, because the film maker today is different, Chris Nolan is a great example of a modern film maker, he does it 'right' in my eyes - he is 'now' Yeah same as what I said it was about distribution, it was down to having 'black' actors being a risk, and yes George did pay for it himself... I wouldnt say it was instant disappointment that its Disney, its not like the films could get any worse now. Be grateful its not Michael ' boom, bang' Bay!!! Jay