I personally have nothing against Abrams, I did like his take on StarTrek because I always found it stupid in that series that humanity was this pinaccle of goodness in the universe, while we all know that if we had teh power we would ass( bliep) the universe and enslave all the "minor" lifeforms. I would have liked Alfonso Cuaron better as a director ( he directed Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, which I think is the best movie adaptation of the series). Or maybe Guillermo del Toro to direct and Quintin Tarantino for the dialogues. Just bring back the dark shizzle and keep away with the JarJars, maybe use Karl Pilkington as comic relief in the movie ( Idiot abroad 4...going to tatooine ) I will await what they come up with since starwars prequels were a HUGE disappointment for me.