Hi everyone, long time no se(e)a lion pun
I think I'm getting a lot better idea of what I want the final image to be.
I still plan on adding a few things, like some vegetation, some kind of dirty particles in suspension, maybe some disturbed sand and some fish. I also think I might change the bubble significantly, giving them a bit more entropy. I'm still tweaking the god ray caustics too (I separated it from the water pattern set up to give me a lot more control because it was the main thing I was struggling with before), I might make them stronger but with a faster decay and I also need to make it so that I don't end up with a blue circle on the sea bed (I'm not sure how I'll do that yet without changing the angle of the rays, any suggestions?).
The main thing I'm looking for is feedback on the new lighting set up and framing.
I've included a version without DoF below too because I'm not sure how I feel about including it yet (I might at least more the effect less severe). I also haven't quite decided on blue vs white caustics, but I'll probably just try a few things when I get closer to the final image.
Last edited by elephantinc; 18-07-2013 at 10:57 PM.