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# 1 09-04-2014 , 11:15 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 2

Will I be able to texture this model?

Hello there, I've just created my first model simply by playing around with Maya without the aid of tutorials. It was a lengthy process but I'm pretty happy with the result. My issue now is that I want to texture/paint it but from what I've seen when I tried to import it into Mudbox wasn't very promising. I realise my method of creating this model probably isn't the correct way but I've invested a lot of hours into making it and I really don't want them to go wasted.

Here is my model in Maya, a VW camper. Seems fine to me, but then again I am a novice who has invested the past 2 days making it.
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After I try to import it into Mudbox, I'm told there is problems with my Mesh. Which I can see thanks to dotted red lines covering the model. Then I try to paint onto one side of the model and the entire model slowly starts to get covered until its the same whole colour. I have absolute no experience with mudbox, I could just be doing it wrong but I thought I would ask a modelling community in case I'm just digging a bigger hole for myself.

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