okay I went old school and just modeled the geo. I used quad draw and started with the holes (not shown - I forgot to grab a screen shot). Go here for screen shots ...
The I filled the gaps between the holes, offset the hole polys, added a couple edge loops to hold the corners and delete the hole polygons. I only built half as the model is mostly symmetric (Image 1).
Then I mirrored the to get the top shap (Image 2).
Then I added a non-linear bend deformer and scaled to correct for the loss in width from the bend. (Image 3) (I also extruded the inside of the holes to give a little thickness.
Then I extruded the outer edges to get the top thickness (Image 4).
Then I added a couple edges to tighten some to the corners (Images 5 and 6).
From here it is just a simple process of extruding to build the remainder of the model.
Hope this helps.
Rick M.
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675