Thread: Simple Kitchen
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# 3 12-05-2015 , 07:29 AM
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 112
Dear Gen,

thank you very much for your comments. For "Dream Kitchen" its not yet good enough, so I had to choose something "simple" ;-). The reflectivity is a good hint for the floor. I took it quite low, but I tried to change it even up to 1 same for the glossiness, but there is no change. Think I have to reapply a material. For the counter top I choose a timber surface therefore its not so reflective/glossy. For the window glass I took Mia_material_x with physical glass preset. Outside I have the picture installed as lambert surface with the picture as material. Even if I render without the glass in between it did not look right. I tried with gamma correction but no improvement.
Any further hint?