Thanks for the warm welcome. The past one year i've been working on this project "Counter Attack". We are making a game like CS : GO for mobile 
Still a lot of work to do, but all the artwork you are seeing is mine (Of course lot inspiration from CS GO and similarity). I've done all the Game UI, modeling, texturing, animations, rigging, characters, map layout etc.
As a single artist working on that game it's super hard to tweak everything to be in perfection but slow and steady i'm improving a lot the artwork. However the task is super hard as optimization for low end devices comes and you need to be very careful with that, also as we all know very precise collision is a must and tons of small things on the way 
Here is a short trailer!
If you want to test it out for Free, here are the links. I'm not making advertisement!
Last edited by ColdWave; 16-01-2017 at 12:43 PM.