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# 10 02-04-2003 , 05:28 AM
silva's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 84
Cheers to everyone who replied, ok my next question would have to be this: I have narrowed down to blueprints I like BUT : seeing as I've never done something like this before what is the best way to start constructing? I get so disorientated with using create polygon to create something in one view plane, then getting the 2nd and third dimensions right.

Whats a best way to go about it? start with a poly cube? create polygon tool? make it as one big thing, make it in bits? I know someone is bound to say there is no one right way, but what would be the BEST way for this? Thanks user added image

Last edited by silva; 02-04-2003 at 05:40 AM.