wOOOt you DIDN't forget the little red button! Dude the Fifth Element rox, but not as much as )v(. Yah i think that it looks better without the shadows you just gotta turn down the light a little = ) And BTW we can't see the line going through the button(op now i see it heh).
About the backwards rocket guys, i don't think he is trying to create new futuristic rockets to try to confuse you, but rather its on the ref, and its on the model. I think i even remember noticing that in the movie and scratching my head. If you REALLY wanna know what it is...........the ask ZurG hehe
Question: I noticed that you resized that final render, and i was thinking that that would make it look better (rendering slightly larger than you're final product, not making it smaller = ) for my movie if i rendered at say 800x600 for a 720x480 DV. But i wasn't sure.

"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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Last edited by Vectorman; 13-04-2003 at 04:38 AM.