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# 99 14-04-2003 , 01:27 AM
adldesigner's Avatar
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: CCS, Venezuela
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Originally posted by Vectorman
Question: I noticed that you resized that final render, and i was thinking that that would make it look better (rendering slightly larger than you're final product, not making it smaller = ) for my movie if i rendered at say 800x600 for a 720x480 DV. But i wasn't sure.

Remember though that if you´re working for a 720x480 aspect ratio, then your image even though bigger should be at least a multiple of the number.

For example, if you want to render an image 800 pixels wide, to scale it down to 720 (Which will obviously make it a more rich image) your height should be 533,33 pixels long (Obviously this one doesn´t exist) .. however you might want to try 920x680.

I just added 200 pixels to the height and width, and this one WILL scale down correctly, unlike the 800X600 -since those are different aspect ratios-

Hope this helps,

<adldesigner notices his having trouble finding the right way to express himself>

Caracas, Venezuela
Hell .. not gone perse, but with a certainly lower post count per day.