Hmmm. I keep my computers running all the time. 24/7 without a break. It broke about 6 months after I bought it. Doesn't seem like it should have though. I originally didn't run it as much as I do now either. And the fan was like that when I bought it. The big one brings air into the power supply box while the little one shoots air outward. (toward you if you're looking straigh down at it in the image I provided above.) I'm trying to pull apart this fan, but can't get it to come apart. I tried that one law "if it's broken, force it. If it breaks, it needed fixing anyway" in my pursuit to disect my fan and I'm sure have broken it because there is a green chip and I heard it snap. There is seriously no way to get inside this little bugger. I've put all my might into it and can't open it up no matter what I do. Guess the next question is: "how much does a new fan cost and what's a good brand to invest in?"