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# 45 29-08-2003 , 06:28 PM
Scraggy_Dogg's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Manchester U.K.
Posts: 252

Need a Coily cord and a Mesh...Please..

Hmmm - HappyLemon, You never seen behind/in your fridge? heh you ain't lived till you do!!!!! try it sometime.
(Sorry my tablet is overdue)

It's supposed to be a back shot of a Fridge. -

1./ I would really like to make a mesh (They always have them over or is it under? the curved pipes) but I haven't the faintest idea how I could make one. user added image
Oh and they don't normally have radiation stickers on either.

2./ Ooo Ooo Ooo! - Anyone know how to make a 'Coily telephone cord' ???????? I do have a copy of a script (written) but am unsure how to use that...

3./ Ooo Ooo! and how the flipping heck do I make a 'puddle' of liquid on floor....?

Any help or critsisms will be much appreciated.

user added image Regards Scraggy

Last edited by Scraggy_Dogg; 29-08-2003 at 07:00 PM.