Hi, must admit i'm a bit scared posting on here because all the work I have seen is of such a good standard, but I suppose there's alway's a first, so here goes. I have started a tutorial, but want to make it 'different' now I have finished the modelling because I am finding texturing very hard, so need the practice. My basic idea is to use this simple scene to learn from while improving. I would be grateful of any help anyone can give.. I want to ask so many questions but first things first...... How should I set my lights for this scene, and also - Even though the background walls textures are a photo of plaster with a bit of blur added in using Photoshop, and is nearly white, then.... How come it renders this 'muddy colour' ? Am having problems because if I turn the lights intensity up - it is too much for rest of scene. Any Ideas? On this, or anything else in scene? (Obviously some things aren't textured/modelled yet) Oh yes, any Ideas on Colours would be greatly appreciated, but I like the couch shader, so I want to stick with it unless someone knows of a better one? Regards Scraggy