Thread: UltraMegaNoob;)
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# 14 03-10-2003 , 11:31 PM
Scraggy_Dogg's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Manchester U.K.
Posts: 252

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The "UltraMegaNoob" was a sorta private joke.... Sorry, but I have only been using Maya for 16 seconds. (Lol) ..... Anyway! back to the point.... user added image

Thanks for all the good suggestions. user added image
I have got a few days off work after tomorrow so will get on with it then.
And Hmm... sorry, I changed the lights a bit prior to posting, must have not checked the 'Depth Map' box... Icarus_uk

I found that It's difficult to figure how a certain colour will turn out when rendered.
So iron_tick - I imagine what you are saying, is after texturing, to colour them with lights/specular/ etc? to get the required image.?

Thanks a lot guy's, comments were much appreciated, user added image will do my best to correct it and re-post when I get it better.

Regards Scraggy