Thread: bump maping
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# 5 07-10-2003 , 02:52 PM
slickrenderer's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Zurich/London
Posts: 663
grrr I am rendering another part of this animation and at the same time trying this bum I mean bump maping stuff :-)
So everything is slow. I will try what you said afterwards
Mr mtEverest ...(mtmckinleys knowledge is high and wide as Mt Everest hence the nickname:-)

Anyway I am very confused. I have a poly sphere. On that I have mapped earth texture. In the texture image the continents are blackish and the oceans are whiteish.
Then I placed the same earth image as a bump map.
When I render... the earth comes out awesome . All raised up nice topology etc. My only problem is that the the continents come out blackish but depressed rather than raised. How do I rectify it?
Do I need to inverse the colour of the texture and bump map image or just inverse the bump map image?
Enlighten me.
