Bloody ell! thats a spiffing job ol bean! my only crit is that the skin is a lil to pink, I always think that adding a lil blue and green adds a little more life likeness to skin, also maybe you want to add some more blemishes to the forhead. the ears could be slightly pinker to and perhaps also on the model itself the eyes seem a lil to far back in the socket adding some more creases under the eys may be good as well. But its a splendid job, oh and will he be getting hair
Oh also looking at the films model I noticed the ears are a lil squarer at the bottom.
Just got back from work where I was before, the skin looks better on this monitor
but I think it could do with being a lil duller.
I am not worthy!
Last edited by Ra1Der; 24-11-2003 at 04:01 PM.