Originally posted by PonysGirl
My real name is Tamara (Tam for short). The name is russian but I am not. My moms favorite babysitter for my older brothers was named Tamara and she loved the name. So now it is mine as well. I beleive the name is derived from the hebrew name Tamar which means palm tree, the symbol for fertility. (don't go there guys LOL)
Hi Tamara
Actually - the name Tamara here in Israel is quite rare and indeed you will see that most Tamaras come from the USSR - My mother in law is from Georgia (USSR) and is named Tamara.
Tamar is a nice name and comes from the bible - there were a brother and sister that commited incest (Amnon and Tamar).
Most Tamar named girls that I know are usually on a classy level - you will not see a bimbo (or whatever you call them there ) named Tamar.