This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
alright, i'm trying to extrude a face but whenever i try to extrude it it splits... is there an option that can keep the edges together.. if not how can i fix this? i've attached an image to show what i'm talking about
thanks mtmckinley i'm downloading that video right now
mrmacca i have the keep faces together option turned on already, i think my problem is that i did the duplicate instance the main body of it, and now the two parts are like a fraction of an inch apart causing them to extrude out away from eachother... anyway i can merge these together?
if you select only the two vertices you want to mege at a time then use merge vertices, if thy don't connect, go to the channel box and open the merge vertices options and increase the distance until they do
thats not working for some reason, i cant figure it out, could it be becuase the two vertices are instanced?.... ahhh i'm probly just doin something wrong