Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
I am working on the dragon head tutorial and I have noticed that a few times Kurt uses a shelf button for xray. I am new to maya and honestly I just hate programming. I was wondering if someone could maybe make a script to turn xray on and off for me please :-) Also, is there any way to just make a script that will turn xray on or off for the selected object, instead of the whole window?
I tried to make one on my own, by turning xray on, then going to the script editor and middle mouse dragging to the shelf. However the problem was I had to make another button to turn it off. Also it only worked in the window I made it in. (i.e. if i made it in the pesp view, it would only work for persp view, not any other view)
Last edited by Der Kaiser; 24-06-2004 at 06:29 PM.
Here you go..... just put in your my documents>maya> scripts folder.. then type in toggleXray in maya under the time line... hit enter. then select the toggleXray type and middle mouse drag it to your shelf.
If it dont work the first time just restart and past toggleXray again hit enter.