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lol.. its a black powder man.. it has balls you ram in the cylinder.. you have to pour the powder in manually.. put the ball on top of it, pakc it all down, place a blasting cap on teh back.. and fire it..
Actually.. i dont recall referring to it as a muzzle loader....but.. a Black Powder pistol, just to be..specific..there are neumerous types of Black powder pistols/rifel's... Flintlock, Precussion, MuzzleLoading, ....the one in question.. actually loads by the cylinder, [pour hte powder in, pack it wiht the loading rod (..tahts the little lever below the barrel, if you, cant figure that out Man.. ).. then, put the ball in, and pack it... Either you " believe" or not, fact is fact.. Like Swank said.. try to google it man.. 44 calibre 1847 walker colt, Desigyhned by Samuel Walker, Produced by the Colt Firearms Company.. ... you might have heard of hte famous incident, where Samual Walkder, set off two spanish cannons wiht his hand guns....this model gun was the type...
Thanks Swank, for what ya said.. and.. that animation isnt a bad idea, i think i'll have to do taht when i get finished with the model its self..
so it's like, basically like a gun where you'd put bullets in the cylinder, but you don't, you pack it with black powder and whatever, then you have 6 fires. rgr tht.
I'ma take this moment to say, I'm glad you understand now Zykotik, well...i'll referr you to , my signature...teh lower paragraph..
have a nice day
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