Integrating 3D models with photography
Interested in integrating your 3D work with the real world? This might help
# 1 17-09-2004 , 10:11 PM
DrDel's Avatar
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Whats a SubD (Subdivision)...?

..and how does it differ from a NURB? (I have Maya PLE 4.5 -- is this version too old to have SubDs in it?)

# 2 18-09-2004 , 02:04 AM
Pony's Avatar
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There like nurbs only you don't have to patch them togather to get some wild shapes.

# 3 18-09-2004 , 03:20 AM
goosemage's Avatar
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Basically a polygon and nurbs hybrid. It is helpful for converting between polygons and nurbs.. I thought subdivs were only available in unlimited versions of maya, but it seems ple6.0 has them.

Maya definition of "subdivision surface": A hybrid surface type that provides both the smooth organic forms of NURBS modeling, and the detail and extrusion capabilities of polygonal modeling. A subdivision surface can have different levels of detail (density of control points) in different regions.

Subdivision surfaces allow you to model complex shapes from a single surface. They can have varying levels of detail (see hierarchy).

Also known as subd surface.

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