HELP needed with SubD to Poly conversion
Hello, newb to the SubD reading the 2nd book by Jaej-jin, but before the book got here, was working on another tutorial that said to do the EXACT same thing, but I can't figure it out.
Step1) Opened up a ProjectFile with pre-made SubD model
Step2)Modify>Convert>>Subdiv to Polygon OPTION BOX
Tesselation Method : Choose VERTICES,
Level 0
Original Object: SHOW
Create 2 layers, one named for SUBDIV one for POLY
STEP 3)Select ALL POLY OBJECTS, ADD Selected Objects To the POLY Layer, same thing for the SubDiv's
****************the problem*******************
Upon conversion, I can see a POLY CAGE and a SUBD cage, however, no matter which I click on, both are ALWAYS selected, zooming in, to make sure.
So, immediately, to find out if it was my goof up, opened a new scene, created polygon CUBE, do the same exact Menu Settings, and the same thing happens, can see a POLYGON cube around a SUBD cube
In addition, the Outliner still only will show one object, "subdivCube1"
The object of the Lesson is being able to rig the POLY while the SUBD is hidden, afterwards being able to render witht he SUBD the animation.
Would also like to know what the "Share UV's" option box does?