Last thursday my Ati 9800 broke down so i bought a new one.. few days ago my asus motherboard broke down so I immediatly bought me a few new things heh:/
Problem is.. they wont be here for another 2!!! weeks

I returned the new videocard because I ordered myself the following:
Amd athlon 64 3500+ Winchester core
MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum
XFX 6600GT PCI Express
200Gb Maxtor S-ata
i'm currently working with a pci videocard which has the crappiest shit ever:/ had to run on 640*480 etc... heh:/
Almost had an harddisk crash too.. almost lost my maya projects including the contest one..
I don't know if i'll be able to finish the contest in time... I certainly can't use maya on this hardware

I'll be viewing the pages about every few days and hope to be back and more active than ever in 2 weeks

Till then=]