Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 19-04-2005 , 10:46 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1

New to Maya, need help.

Hey all,
I'm a fledgling computer-sciences student (currently taking a few intermediate Java courses) and I've done some reading on Maya and decided to try it out. I've downloaded the Maya 6 PLE, and might get the program somehow rather soon. In any case, I bough Maya 5 | Foundation from my local bookstore (they didnt have 6) and have done some reading in there and started on their space-ship fight project. However, i like experimentation and playing around on my own, so as i was browsing this lovely sight I discovered in the Effects video training one on dynamic explosions, and I saw the little mig fighter plane present there, and said "hey, that looks cool, lemme see if i can manage that." So, i started on an attempt tonight, and i've gotten.... somewhere. It looks generally like the plane, but its badly in need of help. I only know how to worth with polys, and only how to extrude and then smooth. I'd like to learn NURBS, but havent found a good tutorial on it yet, but it seems like it could work in this case too, although the tutorial that i found the mig in said it was polygonal. Basically i just need some help figuring out how in the world i'm gonna get anything resembling that mig. It's my second day fiddling around with Maya, however, so please be gentle, and don't use any "huge" vocabulary. Thanks...
I've attached the scene file and a picture, i hope.

Attached Thumbnails
# 2 20-04-2005 , 12:00 AM
alienscience's Avatar
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Hey, how you doing. Welcome to SM. Im also a newb and well, I wish I had some big vocabulary, but I dont. But anyways, that plane looks pretty good, my first model wasen't of that quality. Mine was like dog crap, you know, a little spiral thing. But you couldn't even tell it was crap, due to the lack of color. But just for a suggestion, try to maybe use a different format to save you pix in. The geometry in your pic is a little granulated.

# 3 20-04-2005 , 01:00 AM
Pony's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
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not sure but modeling a plain with nurbs might be a bit more complex than polys even. shrugs. But what ever way you go it takes time to learn. There's not a trutorial for everything. and you might find it really helpfull to get some blueprints of the plain your trying to do and falow along with thoughs. extruding works pritty good, there are other ways. When you come to something a bit more spacific don't hesitate to ask. WIP threads are great for that, and asking questions really.

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