Whoa, this is a question that has gone horribly wrong and is in need of a expert like mckinley or something. I am pretty sure that if you are asking how to create a game engine and somehow from maya, then you obviously dont know what your getting into. A game engine is something that runs a game, physics, rendering, animation. All of that is taken care of by the engine, so if you wanted to "create" your own, then you would need a team of highly skilled programmers and alot of free time. But if you are asking how to export things from maya to an already created engine. Then it is specific from engine to engine. Also, you would have to make the character/object do something while in the game. Maya and game engines are two things that are used in unison, but very different from eachother. I know I havent really given any help to progress your problem, but I cant answer the question. Out of my realm of knowledge. I would suggest asking for help from some of the mods or something, like mckinley, they would know alot more about this and would be able to point you in the right direction. Good luck though, the world is a better place with more videogames.
PS. Is it said that I have come to think that reality is just one very good physics engine? Maybe I have spent to much time playing games. :shakehead
Last edited by alienscience; 27-06-2005 at 07:35 PM.