Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 03-11-2005 , 11:24 AM
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Coo Coo Bamboo


Here im trying to create a can for a drink(1). And for this one im aiming at reality (but i'm not a good shooter=).

I have read about hdr images and lightnig, and now trying my luck with it. I had problems with hdr probes from, because they have this black hole that i cant get rid of it. i tryied spherical(2) and angular(3) mapping. didn't helped. I also did image -> panorama -> panoramic transformations... in HDR Shop, and still black hole. The problem is that this hole is visible in reflections (4), and if i rotate camera and object for 180 deegres then it's too bright(5) and the hole is visible in ground plane.. Maybe i should crop it, but i'm not sure that it works that way...

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# 2 03-11-2005 , 11:25 AM
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Then finaly i found another hdr image at, so for now result are here

I would like eventualy to create ice environment and to have water drops on can, but im not quite sure how to do that, so i'll keep on playing. If you have any pointers for realism, they would be much appreciated.

i have only one ambient light with no intensity

Can shader should be much like coke can(i shoud buy it so i can stare at it), upper cover is from thin plastic, and peel off cover is basicly lambert...

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# 3 03-11-2005 , 01:28 PM
NextDesign's Avatar
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Cool mate. Though I think you should bring down the reflectivity on the plastic.

Looks good mate, good job!

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# 4 03-11-2005 , 05:18 PM
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wow the plastic lid is a real good result nice 1

# 5 03-11-2005 , 08:06 PM
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Maybe turn down the reflectivity on the actual cup, but the lid look a. O.K.

# 6 03-11-2005 , 10:33 PM
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Thanks guys..

little update. I tried to create water drops, and kinda lost my head about it..(i was strugling with displacemnt map, and really dont know why)

Finaly i modeled one drop, put pivot point in the middle and used script(im not very familiar with mel...yet):

int $i = 0;
float $m;
int $r;

while ($i <= 10){

$m = rand(-0.87,0.37);
$r = rand(360);

select -r water_drop1 ;
duplicate -rr;
move -r 0 $m 0;
rotate -r -os 0 $r 0;
Of course, my laptop crashed 2 times when trying to render that, and now my computer struggles with it(and i'm not even happy with it=), so if anybody has more subtle solution (i saw sombebody using that word=) it would be appriciated

Probably should use scale also...

For material, i used PhongE, completely transparent with reflections 0.150... dont ask me why.. (used some kind of glass shader and then modified it..) .. can somebody suggest shader and settings..?
Also i reduced reflectivity for cover, and modified hdr image to be warmer and lighter..

Next thing probably ice cubes and some kind of champagne bucket...
Should i have more lights? there's only one ambient, but i'm happy with it..

Ok, this post is a bit larger, and there are many questions here, but im eager to learn so please understand =)

Please tell me if my attached pics are too big and violating the rules (size is 120k and width is 640 so there no need for side scroll..)

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# 7 03-11-2005 , 10:36 PM
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here's update on bucket and ice...

i will play more with materials nad reflections....

another thing... i just noticed that maya binary for that scene is about 120mb... =)...

tomorow more updates...

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# 8 03-11-2005 , 11:47 PM
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Maybe less drops of water on the cup... and make some of them leave streaks, which you can probably do with a layered shader with the main cup texture and the drops with a bump+transparency+spec+color for just the streaks. Also you might want to make them all look so regular, like scale some up and others down, you know? I like the bucket of ice, its pretty cool, but theres something about that ice that just doesn't look right. Its probably the fact that the ice is a bit too... shall I say bright?

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,Matt user added image

# 9 04-11-2005 , 10:50 AM
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yes, it crossed my mind to mess with original body and bump maps, but a dont know anything about layered shader (i'll search it now). The thing that is bothering me is how to know drops position on original texture(so i can make streaks on right places).

Here an update... render time was 53 min... because of the cubes. Everyone has about 1000 faces and there are like 4 layer of cubes, and you cant even see them... will reduce it later. On polycount middle is can with drops.

Im still not satified with materials... cubes and can body... just cant get it right... Problem is that on 320x280 you cant see all the details, and largers render just take too much time...hmmm.. render region?..

Drops are recreated, this time added random scale to script

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# 10 04-11-2005 , 06:32 PM
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Hey matt,
i've tried with layered shader, and rendering time doubled, and now i just copied main shape and scale it for 0.001, and then applied transparent map, render time is back from "way to slow" to "bit better then way to slow"=)
Now i'll try to draw hi.. medium resolution bump map or find some references that may help... update after progress..

edit... i had luck with bump mapping, and now batch rendering... hope it'll be finished till morning so i can update

enjoy yourselves..

Last edited by goldo; 04-11-2005 at 10:03 PM.
# 11 05-11-2005 , 12:20 PM
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lol, i've read that layer shader can prolong rendering time, but it nowere says that it will completely crash maya=)

after 10 hours of rendering batch came to 6th of 15 frames and it won't go any fruther .. it's just too hard for him (1000 final gather rays)

first attached pic is one of first six that rendered, and second one is frame that could'nt render on high detalis so i renderd it with previewFinalGather settings... now i can see that drops on the lid are not too perfect, lol, but im kinda happy with can drops and ice..

hope you like it...

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# 12 08-11-2005 , 10:28 AM
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update...or no update...

i have played with bump maps and it looks ok now. still not happy but...
i guess that i'll finish this thread and make it final for first stage, but as you can see there is no visual update.. why?
because after the render was finish (about 90min), it just started over again and overwrite finished image... i dont know why it's doing that, but this is 5th time... the problem isn't impatience, it is rather the fact that i will not be able to post anything in next 7 days(field trip)

i'm sorry that my work and i couldn't inspire you to write more comments, but never the less i learned a lot and hopefully i'll come back with better ideas and projects..

cheers to all

# 13 09-11-2005 , 01:59 PM
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Posts: 121
I think your work is awesome, and I am amazed at how real the water drops look. Really, I'm not sure how many people on quick glance are going to notice that there are no water streaks on the cup; I didn't. Anyways, great work and great use of HDRI.

# 14 09-11-2005 , 03:09 PM
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thanks man...

there actually are streaks, but maybe not as visible as they should be... anyway im preparing for final, so i hope that soon i will be able to post it...


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