Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 26-07-2006 , 11:11 AM
relikz's Avatar
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female body tut pl0x?

i can't seem to find any tutorial on creating a female human body in maya but there are loads on 3ds max lol

if any of you know a site with a tut im looking for [look up]
pls post the link and i would be very happy .... and so should U

:attn: :p

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# 2 26-07-2006 , 11:14 AM
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Just follow the Joan of ark one, the modeling has all the same workflow and pretty much the same tools and methods.

# 3 26-07-2006 , 11:25 AM
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the Joan of Ark, the tutorial for 3ds max?

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# 4 26-07-2006 , 12:54 PM
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# 5 26-07-2006 , 01:11 PM
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what you have to understand relikz is that the only thing that is really different for those tutorials is the placement of the tools you use, but the methodologies are the same... both max and maya use vertices (duh) and so learning where to put verts and how is kind of like a universal lesson... the tutorial could be for cinema 4d or lightwave, you'll still learn how to create the female form via extruding, positioning vertices, and the like.

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# 6 26-07-2006 , 01:13 PM
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Originally posted by NeoStrider
what you have to understand relikz is that the only thing that is really different for those tutorials is the placement of the tools you use, but the methodologies are the same... both max and maya use vertices (duh) and so learning where to put verts and how is kind of like a universal lesson... the tutorial could be for cinema 4d or lightwave, you'll still learn how to create the female form via extruding, positioning vertices, and the like.


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# 7 27-07-2006 , 06:13 AM
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try the female android model of digital tutors
or the game modeling of gnomon workshop

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