Yea -- creating objects along animation curves is the easy way... but anyone who took calculus knows that it may or may not create equidistant objects depending on velocity down the motion path.Originally posted by parka
Ok, I think I found a much faster solution.
1. On the Time Slider, set the time to go from 1 to (let's say) 200.
2. Createa vertical railing (aka NURBs cylinders).
3. Draw a curve to represent where you want the railings to run.
4. Select the railing & the curve, go to Animate -> Motion Paths -> Attach to Motion Path.
5. With the railing selected, go to Animate-> Create Animation-> Snapshot ->options.
6. Set the Time Range to Time Slider and Increment to whatever value (let's say 5).
7. Hit the Snapshot button.
8. There will be railings creating now on the curve at almost equidistant.