To me theres no need to use Maya Live at all as the camera is stationary so you dont really need a camera track.
What I would do is import your footage into maya as an image plane on a new camera, set up the CG camera so that is the same settings as the one used to film the scene (focal legnth etc)
Then rotoscope the hands with CG hands (basicaly just match the CG hands movements to the actors (this can be seen in one of theose clips where the hands appear white) then model what you want, animate it to match the timings of the actors, texture then light it to match the lights used in the shooting of the video (might be best if you measure distances and positions at the time of shooting for light sources as this will aid you in re creating the lighting in Maya) and render in passes, colour, shadow, reflection, ambient etc
Take this output into a compositing software, such as after effects, shake etc and composite the different layers, adjusting as required, and that should do it in a nutchell.
Hope it helps in some way
"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle