Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 46 23-11-2006 , 10:26 AM
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what you think now? need help here SOS...if maybe someone can help me with the right material properties of the metal of the car to help me get it right, I'll be very happy...thanks a lot

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Mark Julian Borg
# 47 23-11-2006 , 11:07 AM
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It looks good, but still a bit bright and shint, IMHO. I'd try for more of a khaki or brownish green. But, that's just me. Also, you could try one of the mental ray car paint shaders (mi_car_paint_phen1 or w/e it's called), but hey'll have that shiny, new look, which may be what you're looking for. Personally, I think this beast would ike awesome with some dirt and mud tossed all over it. But, if you are looking for a sweet 'new car' look, the shader I mentioned earlier is easy to do, and looks great.

Eric Tacti
3D Artist
# 48 07-12-2006 , 02:19 PM
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I learnt how to uv map, working on a revolver for my friend, then I'll return to continue this jeep, cant wait to see it ready

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Mark Julian Borg
# 49 07-12-2006 , 04:38 PM
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Looking forward to some updates, the UV mapping is just one thing, using the correct settings for the materials is the next thing to learn, theres lots ofr free tutorials on how to create cirtian material settings.

For me I mostly use the Blinn shader as i feel it gives me the most control for prety much any material that I want to create, then its up to you to look at the said material and then work out its properties and apply them to the shader netowrk that you require.

I dont think that your quote in your signature will do much, I am far from rich but I still have my asperations which is all the motivation I need.

If your studying at the moment all day then it must be for something that you want to do in the future, maybe finish your studies then go and do a course for CGI and keep it as a hobby, but to me I wouldent expect someone to give me money to follow a dream, if you want it then you have to get there (or at least part there via internships, qualifications, portfolio, work experiance, and your own drive) on your own bat, which I'm sure given time and some tribulations you'll get there if you stick at it.

Just my opinion though, you might get a millionare that will give you a great cash injection.

I'm not haveing a go, just that I think that its a bit unnecessary to ask people to donate money when you are not in dire need for it I.e cant eat or have a roof over your head.

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# 50 07-12-2006 , 05:19 PM
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well actually I'm going to school with a skateboard (only method of transportation at the moment, affordable), i need to pay the fees for my school and books and material...its not money to follow my dream, its to help me with fees, books ect... as i said I'm going to school 13km away using a skateboard to save every single penny to pay my fee...I learn GCI not as a hobby but so one day I'll work in the 3D industry.

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Mark Julian Borg
# 51 07-12-2006 , 05:20 PM
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Yeah, I'm eager to see updates on this model.

And, I'm going to have to agree with gster123's very well said point. If it really is a dream you wish to achieve, then you have to work at it, and give it your all, and not look for an easy way out. Not that I'm saying you're looking for an easy way out, but think about how much better it will feel when you finally do achieve your dream, to know that you could do it yourself.

While it may seem as though it's impossible, it isn't. For instance, I went through a time like this. In college, I had to go days without sleeping, just to pass my classes. But, I look back on it now, and it makes me proud to know that even though I was broke, sleeping where ever I could, and basically eating 1 meal a day, I was able to graduate and be successful in the 3D Industry. I am, by no means, trying to brag. I'm just trying to help you, at let you know you aren't the only one who goes through stuff like this.

edit: I just saw the part about the books and fees and what not. In that case, maybe you could try selling models or selling your 3d services. You could try selling your models on some of those online 3d vendors, because you definitely have the talent. I don't think you'd have a problem pulling in some $$. Another thing you could try is sell your services to places near you that may want a cool model or something on their website. Just a thought...

Eric Tacti
3D Artist

Last edited by erictacti; 07-12-2006 at 05:25 PM.
# 52 07-12-2006 , 06:02 PM
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user added image yeah, good idea, though i tried turbosquid and had loads of problems cause i dont live in us, but yeah i can user added image good idea. Will start working on it, i can make tutorials for ya user added image not to mention my clay render tutorial will make the best hit user added image

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Mark Julian Borg
# 53 07-12-2006 , 06:05 PM
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lol, that's the spirit!

And you're right, that clay render tute should make you a nice chunk of cash.

Eric Tacti
3D Artist
# 54 07-12-2006 , 07:30 PM
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I already made a tutorial for UV Mapping, my friend it testing it out to see how user friendly it is user added image

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