concatenating input output madness
Something I never really understood about Maya. If I have a poly, then a material and I add a planner. I can add my texture no problem. But lets say I don't want a planner now I need a cylindrical. If I add it the planner is still there. Same thing If I need to adjust my cylindrical, since I don't know how to adjust my cylindrical positioning I have to add another. Some times I could have on the order of 27 connection strung along my poly. Understanding that my main problem here is understanding but how can I delete an input or out put. If I use the connection editor and select remove nothings removes. Again I understand my problem here is just learning Maya, but it is a rather large program and I have to start somewhere. Tutorials and simplymaya are all I have for now, until I can afford better.
thx in advance..
Last edited by ulaoulao; 04-02-2007 at 08:05 PM.