Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 61 15-04-2007 , 12:51 AM
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You certainly know what you are doing, a very amusing idea for a short and extremely well put together. Loved the disintegrating effect you used + the whole look and feel of the alien ship. My only crit would be about the people inside the ship, it would of been cool to have some freaky aliens inside going nuts.

:bow: :bow: :bow:

# 62 15-04-2007 , 10:32 AM
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I love it user added image

You have taken some fairly bland footage (with the possible exception of that 1 guy in the crowd who's 'over acting' skills are almost comparable to that of Jack Black:p ) and turned it into a interesting and fun concept.

If you compare your 1st effort to the latest, you can see how far you have come with After Effects in such a short time - and it's certainly not the easiest interface to come to terms with!

Job well done - I'd give it a B+


PS: you gunna post your actual grade?

"If you think you can or if you think you can't....... you're right!"
- Henry Ford.

KickarZ Studios
# 63 15-04-2007 , 10:56 AM
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Cheers Folks,

Leon: I often feel as though I have no idea what I'm doing, just bimbling along doing things and it just turns out right. In retrospect though, I've worked pretty hard to learn AE and integrate my CG stuff (to a certain degree!) but because it's been fun it's not seemed like work!

Dave: I've not looked at my earlier attempts for a while, there's just a bit of a difference!! That feller is an acting genius, some say that he hams it up too much but I think that his abilities are matched by none! B+, that'll do just fine! If my grade is any good I'll post it up here otherwise I'll be too busy working on improving!! You've been a great help while I've been learning AE and I really appreciate that.

Cheers again,


# 64 15-04-2007 , 02:07 PM
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If my grade is any good I'll post it up here otherwise I'll be too busy working on improving!!

sounds like a cop out if ever I heard one :bandit:

great vid mate. I ended up geting 'save and haicut' and the digi-tuts for it. its amazing, like what 'film magic pro' is to AE, Shave and Haircut is to the hair module in maya.

I watched that 1956 si-fi movie 'the forbidden planet' last night and I conclude this (at 9 in the morning not yet finished my first coffee.)

With AE, bleach bypass is but a click away, cool blue is too, and the art of grading no longer an artistic process but more a process of digital selection. like with music, when analogue synthesizers became digital..., rather than the organic process of constructing sounds from filters and oscillators we now have trillions of great presets at our finger tips, the artistic process has become a selective one! With the demise of film stock and the uprising in digitization, this selective rather than artistic process is happening to film making too.

movies are not really too hard to make at uni, having instructors and references and extensions and time to kill (comparatively,) but outside uni, constructing a movie on time, that draws the punters away from 'my space' and 'u-tube' and into the theatre to put bums on seats is the challenge. . Leaving uni will be the hard part, when you dont get actors for free, and footage for free, and cameras for free, and no student or academic prices., no nothing for free and not even any employment.., and all those promises of 'ill act in your movies anytime mate' from the kids at the drama centre have gone up in a puff of smoke ( ? user added image ) then one learns to beg and borrow in this glamorous field of movie making .

take it easy and life will be easy
# 65 15-04-2007 , 09:43 PM
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Hey Mat,

Hope you got my e-mail, this is looking really good, great work!

Hey Mirek, Intreesting point on the presets but "Presets do not maketh the art" They are just tools at the end of the day, its how you use them to get the job done, its still the artist whos doing the work. Its almost like saying if your painting why buy more than the 3 primary colours ,and black and white, alas theres no create orc button with sliders to add a bit of davey jones, take some of the kindness away, up the rage, add a bit of star wars, and I hope there never is one!

For leaving uni, dont, do what I've done!! LOL!!

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 66 15-04-2007 , 10:37 PM
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Hey there Steve,

thanks for your thoughts. Sorry for not responding to your mail yet, I've been totally wrapped up in this and my tell tale heart thing (only a week until the deadline on that one so the pressure's on!!).

Mirek, The Forbidden Planet, what a great movie. It's not a bad thing that these presets are available they are, as Steve said, tools to help the artist. I can see your point though, it's a bit like cobblers......

Because of the disposable society we live in no one needs to get their shoes mended any more, they just buy new ones. Trades and skills are going to disappear as technology progresses but there will always be someone who wants that hand graded film or a new sole on their old shoe, it's up to the individual to decide to use whichever option they can afford.

I just read what I wrote and it's a bit of a ramble which perhaps doesn't make much sense but I'll leave it there anyhow.

Thanks for your thoughts and

take it easy,


# 67 16-04-2007 , 03:25 AM
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heh the only part of that i didn't understand was 'it's a bit like cobblers......' *shrug*

i think the work has definitely come a long way, and besides the little nit-picky tweaking of things (i think the reaction shots from the audience at the beginning could be tighter - it's not necessary to see the entire movement for each crowd, just some of it - i also think the shadow of the ufo while it's walking is too light... but then again you could tweak forever, couldn't ya? lol), i'd consider it a wrap. it looks really good now, and i'm sure you'll get some high marks for it!

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