I tried to rotate a cylinder along the y axis. No Problem, but what to hell happens when the object itself has been rotated? All Axis change even if i only grab Y . I can't keyframe that nor use an expression to rotate cause i can't find out in which relation the values on x,y z are counting. And if i key only Y the object tumbles around like a drunken dockworker

This really sucks. On the pic there is a side view of a simple cylinder. See how all axis in the channelbox are screwed up.
Please anybody, there must be workaround.
[ I found something...it's working but somehow dirty. If i group the object to itself and rotate the group in x then stays the rotateaxis for Y with the object. So i can pick the object and animate y. But there must be a reason why the rotationaxis jump from object to world kords when i klick on a single axis in the channelbox. Again, i would really like to hear a reason for that.]