Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 1 29-09-2007 , 10:06 PM
anasasis's Avatar
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old office

heres a piece i have been working on for a while would love some crits

Attached Thumbnails
# 2 29-09-2007 , 11:30 PM
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I like the composition overall, but if you want some serious feedback....

I think you need a background even an out of focus one, the title is 'old office' - there is no office except furniture.

the materials on the globe are too reflective, again if its old make the textures old and not so chromic.And the globe itself should look like an old globe like those you see in the Pirate movies

the globe bracket/frame needs to be thinner and a bevel of sorts would finish it nicely.

Lastly the lighting, what are you using, its very bright and the shadows are none existent.

I hope this helps, Ive tried to be as constructive as possible, its 7.15 in the morning...


# 3 30-09-2007 , 12:59 AM
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thanks im using a hdri probe for lighting but i will work on the shadows and i was thinking of just using a matte painting for the backdrop. As for the globe i will test different reflectivty and maybe even colours thanks again jay

# 4 30-09-2007 , 01:11 AM
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Do you have alot of light setup experience?


# 5 30-09-2007 , 11:11 AM
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The ruler seems to be only 5 inches, but then I don't know if you're using the metric system or not. (America just has to be different than eveyone else...:shakehead)
If the scene background was actually dark, there wouldn't be reflections on the globe anyway. Maybe you could throw a protractor in the scene somewhere as geologists use those a lot. But a 3-point light setup would do some good for this scene. (Who thinks up this stuff anyway?)

Everything else looks good.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

George Bernard Shaw - Man and Superman

Last edited by AnthonyCg; 30-09-2007 at 11:22 AM.
# 6 30-09-2007 , 03:07 PM
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Thanks guys for your crits.

Jay: I have a little mainly just 3 point light stuff but havnt really had a lot of time to experiment with different set-ups. I have done a bit of lighting for film as D.O.P but its all small lighting set-ups.

AnthonyCg: Yeah the ruler probably is lol its an image from the net i wasn't really going for too much accuracy, i really got to start working on that a lot more. A protractor sounds good i was also thinking a compass maybe, reflection wise i will have to add some type of background to the scene i was thinking matte painting yet i don't really have much experience their so maybe i might just have to find the time to make the rest of the room. The 3-point light set-up will help a lot though so thanks for the tutorial and i will give it a go.

Thanks for everything again and i think this piece may get moved to the W.I.P section.

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