Integrating 3D models with photography
Interested in integrating your 3D work with the real world? This might help
# 1 17-10-2007 , 09:20 AM
Perfecto's Avatar
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Steampunk Robot

My texturing skills are very weak but I finally applied some texturing to my steampunk robot. I'm calling it finished.

There's a larger version on my website.

Attached Thumbnails

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# 2 23-10-2007 , 06:37 AM
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I really do like the design! To me, steampunk (and clockpunk, retro-future, &c &c) are what makes modelling in 3d so worthwhile! Nevertheless, I've seen a lot of steampunk which is, quite frankly, completely unbelievable and more sheer fantasy than alternate history.

For the most part, you've captured believeability as well as having created a really nice model!

I suppose you could call it finished at this point, but you're already looking pretty good in the texturing department! Why not go all the way with it! A bit of rust, some oil/chemical stains, chipped paint, perhaps a logo or symbol of some sort...have at it!

I've created a couple of robots myself (see my thread here):

and while I modelled them with animation in mind (ie they're cartoony), I enjoyed the texturing phase immensly!

I encourage you to do another pass on your model!

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# 3 23-10-2007 , 02:33 PM
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Recommendation accepted!

First I'll have to learn how to use gimp. I downloaded and installed it but havn't tried to use it yet. I'll start learning the program so I can start applying much better textures. All I use right now is MS Paint. Therefore, it might be awhile before I can update the robot.

I checked out your robots. I remember seeing them when you posted the thread. They turned our really really great. I like them alot. Have you had a chance to animate them yet?

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# 4 23-10-2007 , 05:44 PM
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Yes I have, though only simple animations so far (two walk cycle variants and a cameo appearance or two in other clips). I am working on a 20 second sequence of one of the robots tap dancing to music. I should be done with it in a week or so. Meanwhile, here's my youtube page:


PS I hear you on texturing. I use Photoshop myself (most folks I know use Photoshop to at least some degree. Kurt here at SM, who does many of the tutorials, uses it almost exclusively). Haven't heard of Gimp but will check it out.

Keep up the good work!

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# 5 23-10-2007 , 07:14 PM
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No need for you to check out gimp. Gimp is supposedly for us who can't afford photo shop yet. I hear PhotoShop is the preferred program though.

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# 6 24-10-2007 , 07:54 AM
arran's Avatar
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looks good perfecto - as Lt Jim said - keep at it - this could look cool with some more details - rust, logo, etc. definitely think it needs some more color variation.

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