there is no real answer to this other than practise dude.. I know thats the worst piece of advice ever, but its true.
Trial and error too, what works for you, what doesnt,
Do you want it high res, or low res,
animation, or still image.
You have to consider these things when planning.
I learnt everything i know myself, like most people. Alot of it, is general common sense and using your brain....for example if you want to model...lets say...a kitchen unit:
You want start with a cube...scale it to the size and go from there, adding detail. You wouldnt use NURBS. Like wise, if you want to model a pillow or cushion, you perhaps would go for NURBS.
I cant really give you a tutorial if you dont know basic modelling. Projects like these will improve your modelling skills no end, regardless of the results.
good luck dude.
here is a link that may help.
OH and p.s
One thing EVERYONE will tell you...Reference images,...
reference, reference reference! Its a major help.
those who succeed are only the failures that never gave up.