Trim Tool Problem: Not working
Hi all.. sorry for my noobiness..
I am trying to make a model in a tutotial from the book Mastering Maya 8.. it is an aircraft for a superhero type character. This is a Nurbs training segment.
I have made a surface for the body of the ship. It's a rounded deformed sphere shape. I put some wheel wells in it for the wheels and used the intersect and trim tool to make them. Now I am trying to make the cockpit for the ship and trying to intersect and trim the shapes -- it's a deformed sphere to make the cavity that the character would sit in.. but for some reason I am having all kinds of problems. Nothing I try works fully. The areas to be trimmed just won't trim. Especially the body of the ship...
I feel like I have tried every combination and order of operations.. deleting history.. rebuilding curves and surfaces.. not rebuilding them.. nothing seems to work. Any idea what's going on here?
Also, at some point when attempting it the cockpit portion turned all black.. maybe this is a clue?
I guess i should just start over on this segment -- rebuild it again -- but I wanted to see if anyone has any ideas.
Last edited by ExtrudedDingus; 15-04-2008 at 01:56 AM.