Ok I am using motion builder a fair bit now but am still troubled by a couple of things. I am sure I saw a tutorial that showed how you can make the mocap for a walk cycle repeat itself so if it is for 4 steps it will become 8. I am also sure I saw a way that you could mix two different walk cycles together to get the result you are after. Can anyone let me know how to do this or point me in the direction of a tutorial.
Yeah been using the help files although I seem to be going wrong somewhere and don't understand why. I will keep trying since I know this is real easy like everything else once you know how to do it. I cannot help but think teaching myself all this has made life very hard and that UNI would of probably been a real good idea. Guess I will find out when I finally get this done and see if all that I have managed to learn is enough to get me a job in the industry.
Thanks for your help Gster and will hopefully suss this real soon.
I have worked on some walk cycles and managed to get them looking right using the motion blending. I process and save the file so it is one take and it plays back perfect in motion builder. The problem is when I save it and import it into maya at the points where the motion blending was the skeleton goes nuts before returning to its proper shape.
Remeber that you will still need to tidy it up when it gets into Maya. Steve will be better at answer this rather than me.
Chris (formerly R@nSiD) Twitter When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix Winner SM VFX Challenge 1 3rd Place SM SteamPunk Challenge (May 2007)
I realized this is not to much of a problem because I have to transfer the animation from the mocap onto my other characters skeleton. I now have a new problem though since when I do this all the animation is going over fine except for the arms which are staying in a t-pose. Does anyone know what may be the cause of this. I plotted the animation onto the skeleton anyway and then brought it back into maya and it is working perfectly but need to get this arm problem sorted asap.
I have attached the characters skeleton and will attach the mocap separate in case any one has the time to take a look. It is all set up for motion builder and ready to be characterized so I cannot work out the problem.