asign sliderFunction to costum window
first of all - please dont kick my ass. I know this is a very basic question where one usually would point to the docs.
fact is - maya´s helpfiles dont work. exept for some 1 example code every testWindow example file returns a error in the very first lines, like
window ExampleWindow1;
button -label "Button 1";
button -label "Button 2";
rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 2;
text -label "Name:";
text -label "City:";
setParent ..;
checkBox -label "Lights ";
checkBox -label "Camera ";
checkBox -label "Action ";
showWindow ExampleWindow1;
// Error: line 1: Object's name is not unique: ExampleWindow1 //
window -width 200 -title "Test Window" ExampleWindow5;
// Create the button.
string $button = ‘button -label "Initial Label"‘;
// Add the command.
string $buttonCmd;
$buttonCmd = ("button -edit -label \"Final Label\" " + $button);
button -edit -command $buttonCmd $button;
showWindow ExampleWindow5;
// Error: string $button = ‘button -label "Initial Label"‘; //
// Error: Line 5.22: Syntax error //
since I dont know if i did somehow wrong with copy'n pasting text from helpFiles to SE, I suppose the helpfiles are crap!
now to my problem:
I need a window with like 8 sliders and asign to each slider an offset value from IK_pointConstraints like
setAttr "ikRightLeg_pointConstraint1.offsetX";
with a min and a max value ofc.
I had a look at the Dann´s thread and at his script too. this is still rocket science for me. any hints are much appreciated. this is what I have so far
window ikOffsets;
// define sliders
frameLayout -label "ikRightLeg" -labelAlign "top" ....
showWindow ikOffsets;
don´t beat me as I said, I´ll keep on working through F1
everything starts and ends in the right place at the right time.