Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 08-10-2008 , 02:06 PM
farbtopf's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2005
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Posts: 520

reference files

Hi there, haven't been around for a while has been very busy. And of course I'm coming back with a problem...

I'm having problems with the reference editor or more precisely with me not being able to edit keyframes on referenced objects.

I'm working on a shot were I have a lot of characters that have simmilar motion, I'd like to "pre animate" to load multiple files into my scene and shif their keyframes around a bit so the movement looks not that uniform

I know I could import the reference objets into my scene but I have to be able to maintain editability in terms of changing the texture for example so that's not an option...

con't do it in post either user added image

if anyone has ideas I'd be very glad to hear them

# 2 08-10-2008 , 02:16 PM
Falott's Avatar
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is it even possible to edit keyframes from referenced objects?

everything starts and ends in the right place at the right time.
# 3 08-10-2008 , 02:19 PM
LauriePriest's Avatar
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Any data that is brought in a reference cant be edited in the scene you bring that reference into. It just doesnt work like that unfortunately .

With referencing its generally a good idea not to over do it, dont have have a scene with a reference in which has another reference inside of that and another inside of that. I know peole who have had stabity problems with that somtimes.

If you want to replicate and edit animation, look into the trax editor so you can save out clips.

When it comes to your shaders, import and assign them in the main scene and if you need variation across your multiple clone objects you can use switch nodes or random matterial assignment scripts (ive seen one on high end 3d) to try and get some variation there. There will be shortcuts for this, but do some research.

# 4 08-10-2008 , 03:02 PM
farbtopf's Avatar
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Posts: 520
hey thanks guys,

I've had a go at the trax editor myself and it kinda worked out, I have never worked with clips before so I have to get my head around them first.

about the stability issues if you use multiple references nested into each other, I never had any problems. I've done quite a big project where I had a longish chain of refs. At work they use xrefs in max all the time also in quite a complicated hirachy and it runs quite smooth. I suppose having hundreds of refs will get too much eventually but up to a number of 10 fies stuck into each other it always worked out.

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