I'm hoping you nice people can give me some advice on a couple of Maya topics.

I am looking to learn Maya and first of all I would like to see if anyone can recommend any books/online courses?, how do you go about learning such a vast program?...
I studied art & design to degree level, I specialised in traditional oil painting, after I graduated I studied AutoCAD and worked in architecture for 8 years, I have also learnt Photoshop to a high level during this time. Will my artistic background be of benefit to me using Maya or of no use at all?... also I'm guessing AutoCAD and Photoshop experience will help?
I have read of the many areas in Maya that one can specialise in and I don't want to spend needless days or months learning something I'll never use. My decision of what to specialise in depends on what I am interested in and what the industry needs and has many jobs for. As I've stated I am from an artistic background and I'm currrently working as an artist, my work is highly textured and detailed.. if interested this is my website www.mhc-art.com ...the reason I'm giving all this information about my background is in the hope you can advise me on an area in Maya that I may find of interest and what kind of job title I would train up for, I was thinking of 'Texture Artist' or 'Environment Artist'.. are there other roles that I should look into?
Thanks to all who have read this and can advise.
Cheers all!