Thanks to the Mr Miss_Fast_Skin Material, piped to the Mia materials, Additional Color field.
With Multiply/Divide Maya Utility nodes, connected to the Epidermal Scatter Color, Subdermal Scatter Color, Back Scatter Color, Primary Specular Color and Secondary Specular Color, fields, of the Mr Miss_Fast_Skin Material.
I decided to use this new Maya Mr, lighting and shading technique, to improve the Realism of the final output renders, as well.
Maya 2009sp1a Poly and Nurbs, 3d, modeling.Mr Final Gather and Global Illumination, used with the Importons sampling algorithm.Mr Render Layers, and Mr Multi-Render Passes, with a custom Mr Label Pass.Mr Physical Sky/Sun node, with an Hdri image piped to the Night color slot.
Mr mia_exposure_photographic node, and the Mr Sky Portal light, used as a Photon emitter.
With a Mr mib_blackbody utility shader, piped to the color multiplier slot.
Maya Spot lights, with volumetric lightfog node.
Native Mr Area lights, used with the Mr Physical light, shader.
Native Mr Area lights, light linked to the Mr miss_fast_skin shaders.
The Ivy Generator, 3d application, used with the Mr mip_binaryproxy node.
Maya Fur, for the jacket of Winnie the Pooh and ncloth for the flags/wind simulation.
Paint Effects, used for the Pfx ivy grasses simulation.
Zbrush 3.12 Maya workflow, to create 32 bit displacement maps,
As well as 16 bit special normal maps, with the Mr displace subdiv approximation nodes.
Mr mia_material_x and the Mr mia_material_x_passes, shader.
Mr misss_fast_skin and Mr misss_fast_x_ passes shaders, with the Mr misss_set_normal node, piped to the bump attribute, slot.
Layered Mr mia_material_x with the Mr bump flakes node.
Piped to the bump attribute, of the Aston Martin Clear Coat Paint shader.
Mr bump combiner shader, by Ctrl Studio, used for the displaced layered shaders.
Mr production.mi, Mr shaders_p, and Mr lumetools custom shaders.
Mr mia_light_surface shader, piped to the additional color slot, of the mia_material_x, and mia_material_x passes shaders, used in conjunction, to the Fg/Gi multiplier attribute.
Mr advanced elliptical filtering, used for the texture, nodes.
Maya gamma correct utility, used to remap the texture colors.
Mr fb_virtual custom string option.
The mia_material_x/xpasses Mr shader, translucency, workflow.
Pro Exr, Multichannel, 32.bit, Mr render output.

link to the high rez version:

link to the high rez version:

link to the high rez version:
Apart from the absence of the 3D Characters, in the NEW DAY and NIGHT LIGHTING VERSIONS, do you feel the difference, compared to the FORMER DAY LIGHTING VERSION...?

link to the high rez version:
For more info on the Tutorial, please check this thread, at Cgtalk:
Ciao, :bow:
Alex Sandri