I also wanted to try the tutorials from simplymaya, (a member of other forum recomended), so I got the robot tutorial and went trhu it. I learned tons out of that tutorial, I enjoyed the modeling part as well as the texturing and rigging. I hated the UV's part thought. :headbang: .
I did a quick walk cycle with my finished, (well almost finished I still want to work some more on the textures), to check how the rigging worked for me, I also improvised a little in the rigging, (like I added curves controls to all the main controls and did some key mapping of my own).
I'm glad that I found this tutorials and I think that I'm ready to take into another tutorial/project. Plus I get to start fooling with animation with my brand new rigged robot

Thank you guys.
Here are some of the free tutorials I've made along with the little walk cycle I was talking about.