Thank You, found it. What if your missing some tutorials that aren't their, how do i obtain those back?If you look under the main banner at the top of the page on the right hand side there's a tab that says "My links". Second one down is "My downloads" which will take you to the page showing your previous downloads. From there you can just click through to the tutorial page you want and redownload (note that the lessons you've already downloaded will be labeled as redownload, let me know if you have any problems because a few tutorials were bundled on the new site but we have backup records from the old).
Thank You Hanuted House complete series, low poly uv layout and texturing,Low Poly Modeling for GamesWell add them manually, just let me know which ones you're missing and we'll run it through the old data base and add them to your downloads.
Added them yesterday, sorry for the delay.Thank You Hanuted House complete series, low poly uv layout and texturing,Low Poly Modeling for Games