perspective orthographic viewport "snapping" keyboard shortcut
Hey guys,
Just started out with Maya, looking in the documentation and i cant find it, sort of just starting out to bind shortcuts and get a grip on maneuvering the interface looking for some options to make it all streamlined and comfortable.
Going to try to explain this... in the perspective viewport, what im trying to do is to have the persp viewport snap to the closest orthographic view so the model gets aligned, i can click that icon in top right corner and the view gets aligned, like Front, Side, Top, Bottom... Is there a shortcut or command i can set up to a key so that i don't have to move the mouse to that icon and click it for the perspective to get aligned to the closest orthographic viewpoint?
hope u understand the question... i want to have a keyboard shortcut to it, rather than clicking that icon with the mouse...
Maybe there is a command to cycle orthographic views in the perspective viewport?
Also, is that viewport icon not supposed to be there in Viewport 2.0 mode?
Last edited by swk; 14-12-2011 at 08:38 AM.