I keep forgetting where that is or what it can be used for. X_X I hate my short memory. What splines? *acts noobish*It sounds like you're not using the graph editor to fix the splines, silverfeather.
I would create a locator or dummy object, attach that to a motion path, and then parent or use constraints for the camera to the dummy object, that way you still retain full control over it's own relative movement and rotation, but have an overall track to be guided by.
Thanks. I don't fully understand what those curves do, but so far I don't get the same error I used to get before. I don't know how that error was caused, I thought it was just because my camera wasn't set straight from the beginning.The graph editor is to edit your animation. The splines show a function of the changing value, (e.g. translate X) over time. That's where you can fix things like maya interpolating between frames incorrectly. Give it a look.
I did view all channels of the rotation, but somehow there seem to be more keys added all of a sudden to the animation. Which annoys me.Try viewing one channel (e.g. rotate Y) at a time and scrub through, trying to understand how the graph editor relates to the viewport. The value for rotate will be in degrees, so 0-360 etc.
You can probably delete all the keys in the scale channels, unless you're scaling your camera. Also try keying just the translates (shift W) for the camera, then view the graph editor and scrub through, or just key the rotates (shift E). It takes a while to get a feel for what's going on, especially when you play with different tangent types, but it is essential to know if you're doing animation.