I have a HUGE model that has some parts smoothed (smooth preview 3 not physically smoothed) and others are not (ie smooth preview level 1). I normally make a set containing one or the other (usually all the smooth preview level 1 parts) then I can simply select everything and press the 3-key and then pick the unsmoothed set and press the 1-key to unsmooth all the bits that need to remain unsmoothed.
Unfortunately I did not follow my own rule and accidentally selected the entire model and pressed the 3-key so now I have hundreds of parts that I have to find and switch back to smooth preview mode 1.
I have a backed up version and all the parts are named the same so if I can just select all the objects in that model that are at smooth preview level 1 I can fix my current model but I campletely forgot the mel code to do so and really do not want to have to spend days figuring it all out again.
As I recall the code was very simple like ... (which is why I probably never wrote it down)
string $selected[] = `ls -sl`; for ( $node in $selected ) { // if $node is NOT at smooth previews level 1 unselect it } // everything left selected at this point will be at smooth preview level 1