I know im possibly going to inflame some folks seeing as this is not a welcome lounge, but i'd just like to say hi and what a wonderful resource ive found this site, even though im still a newbie Mayan.
I've been trying to learn Maya for round about a month now, while i feel im kinda getting somewhere, I have also came face to face with a cold hard wall called texturing and especially UV's. So while im sure im going to post alot about problems/issues im having, the one that feels like its holding me back at the moment is as mentioned the texturing/UV problem, I feel i understand in theory what UV's are and some of the methods used in texturing a model, the main problem seems to be the UV maps, they look like blueprints to alien technology to me unless its a very simple shape.
What (if it's not a huge can of worms ) is the best method to texturing more specifically creating UV maps, which i can use/understand for texturing models, after a bit of research i would like to create my own texture maps with a paint program ie photoshop or the like, and back into Maya im sure you peeps know the drill. I have spent alot of time on youtube etc trying to learn more about UV mapping, but feel im kind of getting know where.
To try and speed up my learning i gave myself an (ambitious maybe) project of modelling a scene from the normandy beach landings (WW2) no animation... yet

So apologies if im waffling in the wrong area, but any tips or guidance on getting stuck into the UV maps would be greatly appreciated.