Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 11-11-2013 , 09:59 PM
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Tips for a Newbie, and help with this 3d addiction

Hi Fellow Mayans user added image,

I know im possibly going to inflame some folks seeing as this is not a welcome lounge, but i'd just like to say hi and what a wonderful resource ive found this site, even though im still a newbie Mayan.

I've been trying to learn Maya for round about a month now, while i feel im kinda getting somewhere, I have also came face to face with a cold hard wall called texturing and especially UV's. So while im sure im going to post alot about problems/issues im having, the one that feels like its holding me back at the moment is as mentioned the texturing/UV problem, I feel i understand in theory what UV's are and some of the methods used in texturing a model, the main problem seems to be the UV maps, they look like blueprints to alien technology to me unless its a very simple shape.

What (if it's not a huge can of worms ) is the best method to texturing more specifically creating UV maps, which i can use/understand for texturing models, after a bit of research i would like to create my own texture maps with a paint program ie photoshop or the like, and back into Maya im sure you peeps know the drill. I have spent alot of time on youtube etc trying to learn more about UV mapping, but feel im kind of getting know where.

To try and speed up my learning i gave myself an (ambitious maybe) project of modelling a scene from the normandy beach landings (WW2) no animation... yetuser added image, while ive only been learning maya for around a month now i only decided on this project a few days ago and have created my first asset ( which i'd like to texture ), it's a tank obstacle a "Cezch Hedgehog", i did a bit of research on them, gathered a few ref pics and modelled away, Im quite pleased with the results although im sure there's better faster ways to have created it user added image

So apologies if im waffling in the wrong area, but any tips or guidance on getting stuck into the UV maps would be greatly appreciated.

Mazz user added image

# 2 12-11-2013 , 06:11 AM
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Hey Mazzink and welcome to the boards! You really enjoy a wink emote eh? user added image

Efficient UV mapping takes quite some practice because it really comes down to making judgement calls on what projection and sewing path is best for a given model.

You say it's all gibberish when you look at your UV layout. Well you could use Maya's painting tools to paint a rough guide and use that in Photoshop layered over your UV map. This is also part of the reason why interactive texturing programs are in common use these days (Mari, Mudbox, Zbrush, 3D Coat, BodyPaint) Some of these provide awesome sculpting tools as well.

There are texturing tuts on this site, you could take a look at those too.

- Genny
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# 3 13-11-2013 , 05:29 AM
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Hi Mazzink - I understand your angst about UV texturing. But over time with a lot of practice, it becomes less daunting.

YouTube is great for quick how-tos, but the instruction you get there may be incomplete or scattered. I would suggest a UV texture course here (as Gen suggested), on, Digital Tutors or better yet, Escape Studios.

On YouTube, I enjoyed "Texturing Basics in Maya" by Animation Methods. His style is unorthodox, and some of it isn't technically accurate, but it helped bring some clarity to me about UVs in Maya.

# 4 14-11-2013 , 10:52 PM
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First off thank you both for replying, must shorten my posts and use less user added image, anyway cheers for that. As i said i had done a bit of research and i was being slightly modest, i've looked at tons of stuff. I think the problem was me, im an artist and i don't do math, anything that sounds remotely like math to me is and i mentally run a mile.

Gen - I've looked into MARI and Mudbox/Zbrush and WOW me wants, thats how i imagined it to be, ie just slapping on the paint, but as i said my research had made UV's sound like technical hard work ( which i know it is - it's not a walk in the park ), also thanks Gen for the tip on using maya's painting tools, unless ive misunderstood it that method still leaves me with a huge problem, ie the UV's are all still mental looking and difficult to paint over within a 2d package.

Lilnyc - feel my pain bro user added image ive gotta hand it to you mate my math shy brain really absorbed that tutorial you gave me the link for "In Yoo Faceee....!", sorry but i decided it was funny and not annoying lol, it really explained it in the non technical way my brain likes to take things in, dare i say childlike. I really feel that was the best ive watched so far i totally understand UV's now so thank you i cannot thank you enough tbh.
(ohh i meant to ask a question is there a way when say for example your stitching together a cubes UV's, to scale the UV's down to one another perfectly, i scaled by hand and when i stiched the two UV's together there was a slight deformation in one of the UV's to match the edge of the other, hope im making that clear, I want to if possible snap/scale to the other UV without streching/deforming taking place of the actual UV, i think this may not be desireable on all model UV's but it was for the cube and im just interested to know if its possible ?)

There is one problem i do have now, and its purely experience, as i said i understand the UV thing now i just need to get my Mayan brain mouse/tablet shortcuts up to speed and my modelling. I mentioned in my first post i was setting myself a target that maybe a stretch too far WW2 normandy scene, and i started with a simple tank obstacle a Cezch Hedgehog, is there anywhere here i can post/submit models for tips/critiques, i would really like to speed up my modelling and feel this would be a great way to get feedback from pro-users and save me going months making silly mistakes that could cost me in the long-run ie more work on a remodel.

Sorry again for the huge post guys, but i really appreciate your patience and time, please feel free to fill my sponge like brain with anything you feel maybe relevant.


Last edited by Mazzink; 14-11-2013 at 10:59 PM.
# 5 15-11-2013 , 10:31 PM
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Ha, Mazzink be as verbose as you want, no judgement lol.

I wouldn't say UV mapping is hard work, it involves a lot of repetition that some find tedious. Once you get the hang of it, you'll find yourself going into auto-pilot and slapping them out. As for the question about distorted faces when stitching, I wouldn't worry too much about it, the smooth uv tool has been my buddy in that situation,

If you're looking for feedback, you could always start a thread in the W.I.P section.

- Genny
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# 6 15-11-2013 , 10:51 PM
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Hi Gen,
Cheers again, im sorry im like big kid in a candy shop at the moment, just found the WIP section after i posted forgot to edit that part out ;(, i think im slighly... behind some of those guys so will wait a wee while i think. Oh and thanks for the smooth UV tool reference ive not looked at it but im about to hit google for it right now, btw being Scottish user added image i make no apologies for being a blabber mouth, or as quaint as you put it ..verbose user added image, so im glad you dont mind, theres probably a few years worth of questions coming.

Cheers Mate

sorry but can you tell me where the align camera button is in maya please, its driving me nuts, trying to align camera to object face to ease some modelling issues thnx.

Last edited by Mazzink; 16-11-2013 at 12:06 AM.
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