I am an Alias Autodesk user who needs to learn modeling in Maya.
I find the use of manipulator not efficient and old fashion. I would like to use the same method Alias uses to move geometries in the space:
-Select an object
-activate the move tool
-pressing the LeftMouseButton and dragging the object will move on the X axes
-pressing the CenterMouseButton and dragging the object will move on the Y axes
-pressing the RightMouseButton and dragging the object will move on the X axes
to use the view axes another move tool parallel to viewing is activated and the three mouse button will move to the different axes acordingly. The same for the move normal to surface tool
then you can select something else still in the move tool without worrying to select those damn

With the Alias method you just select your obj to quickly modify it
So my question is:
Can I script a behave similar to the one above? or is not possible to ma ke scripts that changes the interface behave?
Thanks a lot for any help,
